民间鬼故事 20年的等待 表哥终身未遇到什麽不好的事,只有这件是让他觉的最玄...

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  Introduce:The cousin is lifelong did not encounter the thing with bad what, only this is those who let him become aware is the blackest. . .1975 year summer, cousin family is emigrant already at that time the United States, the parents when summer vacation takes him to go vacationing to the seaside, because do not have playmate, he just does Sha Bao in the seaside all the day and natural disposition introversion also dare not talk actively with the person, with respect to the brigade that is about to spend beach of 3 days in them. . A girl talks actively with the cousin, like that they do after together Sha Bao, the girl calls Sandy, the hair …… of yellow having gold also likes sand very much. Most after was spent one day so, cousin and Sandy play quite happily, they still make the commitment that issues Tong Yan even, should come here every year meeting, although time is stagger,cannot see a face, the person that also should do half sand to fort lets the other side know and see half sanded fort also wants to finish Sha Bao, state friendship often is put. Cousin and Sandy arrive together sea mile dabble, play to one's heart's contently, the parents of Sandy breathes out change her, want her to to disembark at once. Preparative leave comes home, cousin at it is to also be gone to bank advanced position. After should come on the cousin, look later, already did not see Sandy trace, , the heart wants to had answered her probably beside pa Mom, but, incorrect, her parents still faces the sea to be in ceaselessly call her, but the reaction that does not have Sandy, cousin temporarily flustered, tear ins tears in tears flow, be afraid that Sandy dies greatly, before long after has go into business of two dive husband to search, their whats cannot be found. The cousin comparatives from this after self-condemned, should value her to to disembark at that time, won't produce this kind of job, the thing is lain between old, the cousin cannot be at ease all the time, never also be in from this after that coast, never also have the news of Sandy. This summer, cousin on business, drive once more coast of course the place, want suddenly to stop look, do not become aware a sadness emerges right now mind, abrupt, strange thing happened, he far see the seaside had to do the Sha Bao of half, in the heart one cold, demur does not say, develop a seaside immediately, look carefully, still 2 footmark handle the way that moves toward the sea by Sha Bao, disappear in the sea and beach to have sex place, he recalls the agreement with Sandy immediately, come a few this years actually he forgot, he uses the rapiddest rate to finish Sha Bao, pray actually in the heart can see Sandy is finished at the same time again, he faces a seaside, do not have any activity, at this moment, a fisher is delimiting bateau, shoreward Bian Kailai, see useful thing is covering a person on the boat indistinctly, the hair of that person was shown, be golden color, cousin. In the heart cold quiver ceaseless, slowly trend fisher, hold that body in the arms when fisher to disembark, the cousin looks

标签: 鬼故事
