鬼故事 806宿舍的灯 在我们807对面有一间空置的寝室,没人知道空置的原因

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  第二天一大早我就跑到管理室质问管理员阿姨,她听了之后脸色变得惨白,用惊恐的眼神死死盯着我,说:“你…… 你真的听到脚步声,看到806的灯在闪?”

  “是…… 是啊,怎么了?”


  “是…… 是啊。”

  “不…… 不可能,这这怎么可能呢?”


  “你…… 好吧,我就告诉你,不过你听了可别害怕。”

  “害…… 害怕…… ”















  Introduce:In us the 807 has an empty place bedrooms opposite side, nobody knows the reason of empty buy. The accommodation condition of our school is very poor, local dirty chaos does not say, the dormitory is so small still that the dormitory have pity on, you can imagine, 8 square metre live 8 people are what appearance. Below such circumstance, there still is dormitory sky to wear unexpectedly in the dormitory, this, normal? For this, the student of whole building complaints are heard everywhere, I and roommates also run to administrator aunt to go then every day bitter water, but her whats did not say, just listening silently. Until one day, produced that job, all complaint disappeared. That is a cold wintry day, perhaps be the cause with too cold weather, one person was not had for nothing in corridor before at 12 o'clock, I am retractive also by the nest in, black out to leave with roommates rose to lie talk meeting. Talking to talking about everybody to be stranded, I was hit greatly yawn, preparation enters dreamland. Be in at this moment, the noise outside the door removed a footstep. That footstep is very light, very slow, walk over hither from corridor, closer and closer. I also was not cared about, the heart thinks the likelihood is who just went up toilet. Go up nevertheless as one used to do because the classmate of the toilet is afraid of cold run very quickly, like so slow today at a leisurely pace the ground falls not to see more. Be in charge of him nevertheless, is the family is running to go what to concern have with me? Sleep quickly still, lest studies by oneself in scheduled time early tomorrow to be late again. I am thinking so, closed an eye. Abrupt, that footstep stopped! Stop outside our bedroom door! Not, incorrect, not be my dormitory! It is the 806 dormitories on us! Then, the sound that slight key rang to open a lock outside and close sound, most propbably is that person is entered 806 went. So late, who can you be? Administrator aunt? Not, impossible, my occupy comes so long had not seen she has gone in. So is —— what person occupy the school arranges again? Too beyond the mark! Emerge on my fury. Our accommodation condition is so poor, so crowded, also do not help us solve solve, let her now a person lives a dormitory! Too do not put us in the eye! I should see that is a what kind of person, what ability molopolizes a dormitory! I climb gently from the bed, open the door, see the lamp of 806 is leaving as expected only, just shine in continuously ground, the likelihood is the cause with undesirable contact. Before I go up, knock, reply without the person, knock again, still reply without the person, my fire, path: "Is somebody in? Open the door please? " my one's voice in speech just fell, the lamp of 806 destroyed at a draught, I one Jing, the heart thinks you are too defiant also, too late today, be troubled by rise do not be afraid of good-looking, wait to see me do not teach well tomorrow morning

标签: 鬼故事
