鬼故事 女生宿舍之越想越怕 据说,这栋宿舍的很多女生夜里上厕所时,都曾经看见一位穿白衣的女孩

大千世界 219 0


  传说中的这间洗手间,是很老式的那种,从正门进去,是一个几平方米的小房间,里面有一条长长的水槽,水槽上有七八个水龙头,供学生在此洗衣服。 小房间侧面,开着一个小门,小门内是公共厕所,一共有六个蹲位,分布在厕所两边;全部由水泥砌成,敞着口,没有独立的门。



















  但是,她又是个绝对不相信鬼神之说的人, 一个人可以不信鬼,却总免不了会怕鬼,人心就是这么矛盾。她不能接受这厕所真的有鬼这种事情。








  Introduce:Allegedly, when the toilet going up in the night of a lot of schoolgirls of this dormitory, once saw a girl that wears Bai Yi. This closet in fokelore, it is very vintage the sort of, go in from front door, it is the cubby of an a few square metre, there is to grow long cistern inside, there are 78 faucets on cistern, wash the dress here for the student. Cubby flank, opening a wicket, comfort station is inside wicket, altogether has 6 to crouch, distributing in toilet both sides; Become by cement build by laying bricks or stones entirely, open is worn mouth, without independent door. In this day of night, a schoolgirl of some dormitory is abrupt inside urgent, fear again the hearsay of closet, dare not go up toilet. In for a long time of the flounder on the bed, cannot bear eventually, issued a bed, a person goes toward closet slowly. The light inside closet is very faint, and the lamp in the toilet is already broken, did not repair good all the time. This schoolgirl walks into closet, there has been bit of in fear and trembling in the heart, when taking toilet entrance again, see only inside inky, what is invisible also. She stood in the doorway, hesitant for a long time, still be physiology demand battle eventually got the better of scared psychology, went in. In the toilet although do not have the lamp, but she is very familiar to here, very naturally is on right the 2nd position; This is she is used to use position usually. Arrive from the ground crouch have one class steps leading up to a house, as a result of inside very black, often somebody goes up in the place that someone takes in night, very awkward. This schoolgirl is going up show before step look above carefully face, borrowing the hazy light that transmits inside closet, affirmatory inside without the person, this ability goes up. Crouch although do not have the door, but design very close, the person stays inside, the person outside can see only inside the person's head, what is more,the rather that the bathroom is very dark, lose sight of the circumstance of other position at all, accordingly this schoolgirl can not determine other position whether somebody. After she crouchs, recall the talk with very fashionable another suddenly: In the latrine pit of the toilet, the hand that can have a red is extended come, look for a person to want toilet paper. She should not recall this story in this moment originally, but the person's psychology is so strange, she fears the more, cannot help wanting the more. Next she lowers her head immediately look in face latrine pit; This toilet is very vintage, latrine is cement build by laying bricks or stones is become as before, be not strong water closestool; Not bad inside extend without gules hand come. She to do not fear, be in the position toward her outside look, want to see the light that a bit closet transmits, obtain comforted. Look outside such face, she most see first, nature is the position on. The case of the position opposite side, the heart that lets her beats suddenly, burst forth instantly all over cold sweat. Over there, wherefrom

标签: 鬼故事
