鬼故事 我身边的事 发生在我身边的故事很多哦,下面就用序号标明一个一个说吧

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  发生在我身边的故事很多哦,下面就用序号标明一个一个说吧~ 第一个:那还是好几年前的事,我舅舅由于车祸,永远的离开了我们,做丧事那天我跟我妈都睡到了我外婆家,丧事完了以后大家都去睡了,我跟我妈妈还有外婆睡一个房间,那时候嘛,乡下人住的都是平房,中间一个是大厅(我们那边话就是堂间)两边是房间,我跟我妈她们睡的东面的一间房,因为哭的很伤心很累,所以大家一到床上就睡着了,半夜迷迷糊糊的,外面堂间的门就吱呀的一声开开来了,我们其实都听的见,就是没力气爬起来,怎么动都动不了,就这样听着脚步声走进来了,走到我们睡的床旁边敲了几下,接着又走到西面一间屋去,唏唏梭梭的在翻什么东西,过了好一会,脚步声慢慢走到堂间,接着就是关门的声音,这时我们都可以动了,于是奶奶坐起来哭了一夜,她说这是舅舅回来拿东西了,跟我们道声别=.=!!寒~~~ 第二件是发生在我学校的事,我们的操场特别大,有草坪啊司令台啊什么的,弄的还蛮好的,可就是在这操场上有人就碰到过那种不干净的东西,那天晚自习,我们班一对情侣(由于也有我同学来过这里,所以名字我就不说了)晚上翘课跑去司令台后面约会去了,就在他们打kiss的时候男的眼前突然有一个穿白衣服的女人走了过去(确切点说是飘)他以为自己眼花了,也就没在意,后来跑到教室里跟我们说话时无意间说到了这事,这时一个女同学告诉我们一件我们不知道的事(她也是听她姐姐说的)那是比我们高4届的师兄学姐里发生的事,也是早恋吧,一个长的很秀气的女孩子跟人家谈朋友被学校发现,吃了张处分,还在司令台上当众批评通告,女孩子受不了人家异样的眼光就在通告的第2天晚上吊死在司令台上,死的时候正好穿的白色衣服,听完后我就觉得鸡皮疙瘩都起来了,冷~~ 第3件事么还是在我们学校,我也不知道为什么我们学校这么阴啊,还好我已经毕业了,那是我同学的姐姐的同学(好复杂啊,下面就叫她xx吧)那时候的宿舍里没有马桶的,上厕所都要跑到宿舍旁边的公共厕所里去上,公共厕所嘛大家也都知道,一排一排隔开的,有天半夜,xx去上厕所,去了一夜都没回来,第二天发现她晕在了厕所里,大家都问她怎么了,她一开始还不肯说,到后来才咄咄梭梭的说了起来,原来她晚上上厕所的时候看见从厕所最里面一排跑出来一双一双烧焦掉的脚,都没有身体的,就一双一双脚,跑出去一批后面又来一批,接着xx就昏倒在了厕所里(我听我同学说好后回去跟我妈妈也说了,我妈妈说我们学校以前是日本人杀我们中国人的地方,我寒~~~) 好了今天就先说到这里吧,还有几个故事下次再发上来

  Introduce:The story that produces beside me is very much, indicate to say one by one with serial number below ~ the first: Eyebrow of antrum reason choke changes close my uncle of dark neon? because traffic accident, forever departure we, make funeral arrangement I slept to the husband's family outside me with my Mom that day, after funeral arrangement was over, everybody slept, I still have grandmother to sleep with my mom a room, that moment, what countryman lives is bungalow, among one is the hall (us the word there is between hall) both sides is a room, I follow my Mom a room of the east that they sleep, because of what cry very sad very tired, so everybody was asleep to the bed, midnight is confused, outside the door between hall with respect to Zhi ah leave to come, we listen actually see, do not have effort to climb namely, how to move be not moved, listening to footstep to go so, went to the side of the bed that we sleep to be knocked a few times, go again then west a house goes, sob sob of sacsaoul in translate what thing, it is good to passed a little while, footstep slow don't go yet arrives between hall, it is the sound that close then, at this moment we can be moved, then the grandma sits up cried overnight, she says this is the uncle comes back to take a thing, with us path sound fastens = . = ! ! Cold ~~~ is the job that produces in my school the 2nd, our playground is particularly big, have lawn ah commander stage ah of what, of lane it is good to return pretty, can have come up against the sort of nasty thing in the somebody on this playground namely, study by oneself in scheduled time late that day, our class a pair of sweethearts (because also my classmate crosses here, so I did not say the name) become warped in the evening the class runs date went at the back of commander stage, the woman that there is to wear white dress suddenly before male when they hit Kiss went by (precise spot says is to wave) he thinks he is dazed, also did not care about, when running in the classroom to talk with us later accidentally respecting this thing, at this moment a female classmate tells us a thing that we do not know (she also is to listen to what her sister says) that is 4 taller than us senior fellow apprentice learns the thing that produces in elder sister, also be to be loved early, a senior very delicate girl talks about a friend to be discovered by the school with the family, took piece of disciplinary action, still criticize announcement in public on commander stage, the girl is overcome the family's peculiar eye is in the 2nd day of late hang oneself of announce is to death on commander stage, the white dress that when dying, as it happens wears, after listening, I feel gooseflesh rose, cold ~~ the 3rd thing still be in our school, I also do not know why our school so shade ah, not bad I had graduated, the classmate of the elder sister that is my classmate then (very complex, she calls Xx below) there is closestool in the living quarter that waits in those days, the toilet should run to constellation on

标签: 鬼故事
