鬼故事 零点尖叫 你知道吗,如果一个人在零点,也就是在子时死的话,就会变成厉鬼

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  Introduce:"Zhen Lu, do you know, if a person is in at 0 o'clock, it is namely if the period of the day from 11 pm to 1 am is dead, can turn severe into ghost. " this is that evening when gargle, area of area of good friend dense is weird if saying to me. I have a late night a person is washing the habit that washs clothes between gargle, listened to scalp one paroxysm hemp, the grove deride and taunt of the dormitory is the same as on the side: "Dead dense, did not psych out others Zhen Lu! " however, the following day dense is mad, send into the hospital. I remember clearly, I just washed the dress to go 12:30 that evening corridor suns clothes directly then, dense is confused come out from the dormitory, grumbling to say to want to go up toilet. Hear before long wash one transmits to between gargle extremely shriek: "Ah —— " my whats did not want to develop the past, see dense faints on the ground only, there still is the forest that Wen Sheng comes on the side, faucet still is shedding water in clang clang ground. Then, about " at 0 o'clock severe ghost " the hearsay is worn bubbling with noisely in the building. Schoolgirls dare not arrive after 12 o'clock wash gargle, some people still said to encounter strange thing, school security department thinks is thief, checked a few times, do not have clew. A week went, pitiful dense is in the hospital or mind is not clear, abracadabra. She always keeps screaming: "Blood of …… of blood of the dead …… ah …… blood! " listened to make a person creepy. I do not know what she saw after all, and, I do not wish to also do not want to guess. That day in the evening 12:30, I awake from inside the dream, feel upset stomach, should go up toilet. Although had heard a lot of rumor, but I also did not think so much at that time, set on slipper is confused go outside. Our toilet is washing gargle inside. From wash gargle in come out, regained consciousness many. At this moment, whole corridor is deserted, only dim street lamp is bright. An evil wind is blown, leaf rustle ground is ringing, all sorts of strange black films are being waved on white wall, weird and ghastly. Wool of the one paroxysm in my heart. Perhaps be the cause because of to be cold, I couldn't help hitting cold quiver. At this moment, wind stopped. From corridor that transmits a kind of shoes to step the sound on the floor directly: "Da Da, da Da. " a cool meaning comes up from my backside change. Sound is close, I see a petite girl walked over, wear a red sweater, she sees I appeared to also be frightened jump, breathed out gently. I twist a head to want, she calls out me urgently: "Wait for me, I am good fear. " had not said to had developed a toilet. I am forced outer wait for her. Looking at the pool washing gargle of wall edge, do not have remember again

标签: 鬼故事
