鬼故事 高中鬼事 我的高中是在烟台e中上的,烟台是个小地方,在地图上看起来显得很远的地方

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  “他的母亲身体不好,而家里有钱,所以他母亲从不上班,有一天,他在学校的时候,忽然要回家看看,说心里不好受。于是他就趁课间操的时间回家了。 ”

  “说过了,烟台是个很小的地方,他完全能在下节课开始之前赶回来,事实上,他在家跟母亲说了几句话,就按时回来了。不过在他下楼的时候,遇到了两个人,一男一女,那两个人问他,你认识XXX吗?他们问的正好是他母亲的名字,他说,在家呀,那是我妈,有什么事吗?两个人说,是同事,来接她。我们就在那个楼,202号住。说着随手一指,他急着回学校,于是就让两个客人上楼,自己匆匆的离开了。 ”

  “到了学校,他忽然意识到一个问题,在当时,202决不是一个普通的号码,在北京等地,许多人都知道,那是太平间的代名词。然而他仍旧没有在意。 ”











  Introduce:My high school attends in Yantai E, yantai is a little place, be in the place that appears very far it seems that on the map. Ride a bicycle to basically won't exceed 15 minutes actually. I just turn to this school later, it is outer before my home. After coming, the high school student that resembles great majority is same, I knew the person with a batch of same interest. Next we are together kickball, have a meal, when whose birthday, also be to get together in whose home or go to eating and drink. One day, be like at that time is to have a holiday, we celebrate birthday for him in home of a friend, his mother is absent. At least I am to had not seen, his family member has money at the sort of comparison, have sound in those day, card pulls OK to compare new recreational facility relatively etc. We are divided a few times together ate cake, took a lot of pictures, grabbing sing, anyhow atmosphere is those who comparative is good. Suddenly, that friend stands up say, somebody is in knock, expression is exceedingly austere, but other at that time people are certain. Although the case at that time compares chaos, but if if the doorbell of his home is noisy,rising, do not listen impossibly, next everybody laughs at him, do not cross him or insist to go the doorway looks. He very fast came back, at that time the sort of his expression, if I am living still,can forget with respect to scarcely only, because scared and the face is hoar,once had heard of somebody, but never still had seen. This, on his face, trenchant a kind of ghastly color, he dare not see one, his look says with its is to escaping us, be inferior to saying is some kind of numinous force in escaping air. And when asking him he also whats do not say, just shake his head say to do not have a thing. Later, also not happy because of his Na Yuyu and uninterested. On the way home, somebody and I travel together, she is told have a past event that concerns him. "His maternal body is bad, and there is money in the home, so his mother never goes to work, one day, he is in the school when, should come home suddenly look, say a heart in bad to suffer. Then he came home with respect to the time that takes the advantage of setting-up exercise during the break. " " had said, yantai is a very little place, before he is issueing section class completely to begin, hurried back come, in fact, he said a few words with the mother in the home, came back on time. When passing to leave a floor in him, encountered two people, one male one female, those two people ask him, do you know XXX? The just in time that they ask is the name of his mother, he says, be in the home, that is my Mom, what thing is there? Two people say, it is a colleague, will receive her. We are in that building, 202 live. Saying conveniently to point to, a he is urgent school, let two guests go upstairs then, oneself hasty departure. " " reached the school,

标签: 鬼故事
