鬼故事 学校厕所的血案 最近,学校初一厕所内有人发现些血迹,很多人都看见

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  Introduce:Recently, the somebody inside the one toilet at the beginning of the school discovers some of bloodstain, a lot of people see. Some classmates surprised, and another some however as if nothing happened. "The Eight Diagrams " we, nature because " curiosity " these 3 words and launch investigation. We are investigated before long, still " the Eight Diagrams " made to the elder brother of high grade visit. Because such, we just know the toilet of one has a lot of bloody things first: Story one: In the morning of a violent storm, although raining heavily, but still want to go to school. In the morning 8 when make, colour of sky already very dim, more black in the toilet. One classmate entered a lavatory first. Suddenly, he sees fishily says area of a gyp: "Stay in this world very not happy, here has a big kitchen knife, be inferior to dying together! " that classmate let, run away immediately, regrettablly that gyp uses that kitchen knife careless ground brandish, learn that to live behead of raw uncultivated land becomes. Follow that gyp to cut suicide of arteries and veins, gush must be blood everywhere, died then. The thing is lain between so long, but people or the body …… school that cannot find that gyp and fellow student just just say perfunctorily: "Classmate of x x x turned school, and that gyp also demit duty. " but if you are attentive advertent, should OK find the bloodstain that stays at that time. Unfortunate word, you can see the …… of bad luck fetch of that classmate. And the bloodstain —— story that some classmates had seen the coffee color inside the toilet really 2: Be in allegedly winter in the morning, early of a classmate returns the school, at that time inside school about the same a person also is done not have. Also did not open even the toilet the lamp at that time, that classmate entered a lavatory, he bashful went customarily the case of a toilet at the toilet. Abrupt, that classmate feels somebody pats his shoulder. He looks at once then produce what job. But after before he looks, looking, also lose sight of somebody. Look later, discover to there is an inverted reflection in water in lavatory basin, it is a girl of long hair, facial badly mutilated. That classmate looks again from the back, but a person also cannot see, and there still is that bloodcurdling inverted reflection in water inside lavatory basin. He runs to tell a teacher immediately, but agree to believe his …… without the person so, everybody must not use the lavatory standard at the toilet, may producing above of horrible incident …… otherwise is 2 stories about the toilet, now second the place that seen blood mark is bad luck fetch likely very is, or it is …… the person that I consider this school, even the person of the whole world, neither one knows to produce what job

标签: 鬼故事
