鬼故事 恐怖食堂! 我给大家讲的是我们学校三食堂的故事,虽然已经毕业了很多年

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  我给大家讲的是我们学校三食堂的故事,虽然已经毕业了很多年。但是每当我们几个同学在一起的时候,想起这个事情,还是心有余惊。这个事情发生的时候是夏天,那会的北京还没有现在这么热,但凡爱美丽的女学生都已经早早的穿上了裙子。我们班里有一个很漂亮的女孩子。叫刘晶。也是北京女孩,家里很富。所以穿着也很时髦。耳朵上老戴着一个她父亲从法国给她带来的耳环。亮晶晶的。很漂亮。刘晶学习很用功的,在班里一般都是排到前三名。而且是英语课代表,我们发现她失踪的那天正好是上英语课。她没有来。中午我们是在三食堂吃的饭,宫爆鸡丁。味道很不错,不知道为什么,我总感觉今天的鸡肉要比平常做的好。可能是因为食堂刚刚换了了厨师的缘故。我为什么知道食堂刚刚换了厨师呢,因为我在学校的后勤做学生工作。原来的那个厨师老了,回老家去了。学校就又找了一个大厨师过来。听说这个厨师原来是北医的。晚上我们还在三食堂吃的饭。我要了一个回锅肉。肉有瘦有肥。火候恰到好处,外焦里嫩。非常有嚼头。我那天一口气吃了有六两米饭。哈哈,现在吃饭说什么也吃不了那么多了。第二天上课刘晶还是没有来。我们男生问起了女生这个事情。还以为她生了病,结果一问才知道。刘晶已经两天晚上没有回宿舍去睡觉了。大家给他家里打了一个电话。家里人也不知道,还以为她一直在学校里。中午,我吃的还是宫爆鸡丁,肉丁很小,切的也很细。肉质不错。厨师的手艺真不错,我准备回去向同学们推荐这道菜。下午.我和后勤的老师一起来到三食堂突击检查卫生。看见了那个新来的厨师。很老实的一个人,站在那里不爱说话,一个人拿着把剁肉刀,不停的剁着一块在案板上的肉。那块肉的肉色很鲜艳,红红的。肉看上去有些长的,就象一个羊腿一样。我知道,学校里是不让买羊腿的,因为羊腿的肉比较贵一些。在我转身的那一瞬间,我看见那个厨师从地下的桶里好象拿出了一个长长的腿。我没有看清楚。但是我感觉。他好象拿的是一条人腿。因为我看见的有五个脚指头和一双在脚上的已经撕烂的袜子。晚上又尝到了那为厨师的手艺。很棒。竟然能把狮子头做出这个味道来,简直是太鲜美了。那个味道,甭提了。那天我花了我平时两天的的饭钱来吃的狮子头,不错。真不错。第三天,系里的老师也察觉到不对头,因为刘晶已经好几天没有来上课了。向学校的派出所报了案。下午在几个食堂里放蟑螂药。我被叫了过去。带了几个学生。我挑选的放药地点是三食堂。因为我想和那个厨师说会话,对他说他做的菜很好吃。 本站,所有权归作者所有!没有看见他,只看见了案板上的肉和那把很大的剁肉刀。在地上的桶里放着满满一桶的肉。突然,阳光一闪,肉桶里有一丝光线直射到了我的眼睛,我避开了那道光线。弯下腰,看见了肉桶里的闪我眼睛的那个东西,是一个耳环,刘晶的那个耳环。我把那只耳环从桶里拣了出来。亮亮的。很漂亮,突然脑海里想到一些什么。冲到了冰箱前。把冰箱门打开。冰箱里,是刘晶的人头。圆圆的大眼睛紧紧的盯着我。在她的人头的下面,放着一张纸,上面写着:酱猪头

  Introduce:What I tell to everybody is our school the story of 3 dining rooms, although had graduated a lot of years. But every time we when a few classmates are together, remember this thing, still be a heart superabundant Jing. Summer is when this thing happens, the Beijing of that meeting still is done not have so hot now, the schoolgirl with beautiful love of in every case already early put on skirt. There is a very beautiful girl in our class. Call Liu Jing. Also be Beijing girl, in the home very rich. Dress is very so modern also. There often is the earring that her father brings to her from France on ear. Glistening. Very beautiful. Liu Jing study is very diligent, before be being discharged 3 are commonly in the class. And it is English class delegate, we discover she is missing as it happens was to attend English class that day. She did not come. We are the meals that eat in 3 dining rooms midday, kung-pao chicken. Taste is very good, do not know why, what I always feel today's chicken wants to be done than ever is good. Because the dining room just changes the cause of know clearly chef,the likelihood is. Why do I know the dining room just changed chef, because I am in,the logistics of the school does student work. That former cook is old, return old home. The school looked for a big chef again. Hearing of this chef is boreal cure so. We return the meal that eats in 3 dining rooms in the evening. I wanted flesh of a cook again. The flesh has thin have fertilizer. Duration is proper, outside Jiao Li is tender. Have very much chew a head. I ate to have 59 rice at a heat that day. Ha, have a meal now say whats cannot eat so much. Attend class the following day Liu Jing still did not come. Our schoolboy asked about a schoolgirl this thing. Still think she fell ill, the result asks ability knows. Liu Jing had not answered a dormitory to slept two days night. Everybody gives him a telephone call was made in the home. The family member also does not know, still think she is all the time in the school. Midday, what I eat still is kung-pao chicken, diced meat is very small, those who cut is very fine also. The flesh is qualitative pretty good. The craft of chef is really pretty good, I prepare to answer whereaboutldirection classmates to recommend this course. Afternoon. The teacher of I and logistics comes along to check sanitation to assault of 3 dining rooms. Saw that newcome chef. A very honest person, the station is not talktive over, a person is taking a chop flesh knife, the flesh that ceaseless chop wears to go up in chopping board. Of that flesh incarnadine very bright-coloured, of Gong Gong. The flesh looks some to grow, like be just like leg of a sheep. I know, the leg that buy a sheep does not let in the school, because the pulp of ovine leg is a few more expensive. In my face about that is flashy, I see that chef seemed to take out to grow long leg from subterranean bucket. I did not see well. But I feel. What he seems to take is leg of a person. Have 5 because of what I see

标签: 鬼故事
