鬼故事 鬼床 其实直到现在我回想起那件事还不能肯定是不是有“鬼”在作祟,可我也想不出还有什么理由来解释了

大千世界 108 0

  其实直到现在我回想起那件事还不能肯定是不是有“鬼”在作祟,可我也想不出还有什么理由来解释了。 不过并不恐怖哦。事情是这样的:那是我在湖南大学读大二的时候,也就是98年吧,我住的宿舍是五舍的105。 我们那个宿舍像个天井,就是围成一圈,中间有个不大的草坪。 而我住的105在1楼,因为建筑和天气的缘故我们的房间非常潮湿,也很阴暗,唯一的好处就是冬暖夏凉。有天中午我和其她几个女孩子因为上午都没课,就准备早点去打饭,到了11点的时候,她们准备去食堂了,叫我一起去,我想着大家都去的话还要锁门很麻烦,就让她们先去,我等她们回来了再去打饭。 等她们都走后我就一人坐在我那张靠窗的桌子前面看书,这时奇怪的事情就发生了。 突然之间,我对面的三张木质高低床同时发出了很大的“吱吱”声,而且还在晃,声音很大。而大家知道这种木质床的都知道,除非有人在上铺使劲摇床,床才会发出那种声音。 刚开始我还以为是老鼠,就拿个手电筒去照那些床架子。 可后又一想不对啊,就凭几只老鼠不可能会有这么大的能耐啊。 这时候,我就想,会不会是有不干净的东西在房里啊,幸好那时候我的胆子大,为了验证我这个想法,我面对着床,当我走到左边那张床时,左边的床不响了,可右边的床还在响,我又走到右边的床面前,这时右边的床不响了,可左边的床又响了。当时,我几乎已经确信了,就干脆站在中间,对着那三张还在响的床大声吼:“嗬! 什么东西!还响!我不怕你!” 真的! 我说了这句话后,那几张床就都没再响了! 这时候,那几个打饭的女孩子也正好回来了,我就对她们把刚才发生的事说了,她们都吓得要命,都说我胆子大。我还对她们说不要怕,其实好多鬼只是想吓吓人而已,你不怕他他自然就怕你了。

  Introduce:Actually up-to-date that thing since my after-thought still cannot have for certain " ghost " in cause trouble, but I also do not want to go out to still what reason explains. Not horrible nevertheless. The thing is such: That is I am read in Hunan university big 2 when, namely 98 years, the dormitory that I stay in is 5 105 what abandon. We that dormitory resembles a courtyard, surround into circuit namely, there is a not great lawn among. And I live 105 in 1 building, because build the reason with weather our room is very damp, very dark also, unique advantage is wintry warm Xia Liang. One day I am mixed midday its she because a few girls do not have a class in the morning, with respect to preparation breakfast makes a meal, arrived at 11 o'clock when, they prepare to go dining room, call me to go together, the door is locked up even if I am thinking everybody to go very troublesome, let them go first, I waited for them to come back to make a meal again. After waiting for them to go, I sit in front of the table that I rely on a window that piece to read a book with respect to one person, at this moment strange thing happened. Abrupt between, the bed of discretion of 3 pieces of woodiness on me was given out at the same time very big " Zhi Zhi " sound, and still shaking, voice is very big. And everybody knows bed of this kind of woodiness know, unless somebody exerts all his strength in the upper berth table, the bed just can give out the sort of sound. Just beginning me to still think is mice, take a flashlight to take those bed stand. But hind another want incorrect ah, can have so great ability impossibly by a few mice. At that time, I think, can be to nasty thing is in in the room, the courage that awaits me in those days fortunately is great, for test and verify I this idea, I am facing a bed, go left when me when that piece of bed, left bed did not ring, but the bed of right still is in noisy, before the bed that I take right side again, at this moment the bed of right is not noisy, but left bed rang again. At that time, I had believed firmly almost, with respect to flat station inter, the bed that still is in noisy to those 3 pieces is loud growl: "Ah! What thing! Noisy still! I am not afraid of you! " really! After I said this word, those a few pieces of beds did not ring again! At that time, those a few girls that play a meal also as it happens came back, I said the thing that a moment ago produced to them, they are frightened confoundedly, say my courage is great. I still say to not be afraid of to them, actually a lot of ghost just wants to frighten fearsome just, you are not afraid that his his nature is afraid of you.

标签: 鬼故事
