鬼故事 校园不思议 正如许多学校一样,九龙塘著名女书院亦流传着若干不可思议的怪谈,非常行货地,故事发生在最偏僻的厕所内最尽头的一格

大千世界 106 0



  心洁高举界刀,狠狠劈向左手脉门,纤薄肌肤登时爆破,鲜向迸流,她咬紧牙关,右手加劲,锯齿刀刃陷入脉门肌肉中狠狠拖磨! 「哇!」 心洁惨叫一声,她甚至感觉到血管劢腱截断的一下细微抽搐,生?界刀把手腕摧?得一塌糊涂,直至「吱」一声轻响,竟然是刀锋触及骨骼,卡在手腕关节!



  林嘉欣独自躲在这厕格,仔细地回忆这个入学时已经听闻的故事。 她怕鬼,所以中一开始从未试过单独进入这一格厕所,从未使用过这厕格,更加从未在冕上六时以后接近厕所方圆二十尺范围。 换言之,放学后,在这里干甚么也不会有人发现。 所以...半年前,2003年冬,嘉欣开始喜欢在这里流连,当然有人陪伴,不过不是女同学,而是数学教师张Sir。 从中二开始,嘉欣已经留意张Sir,他年近四十,不算英俊,却是她喜欢的类型。 大家可能费解,但一个中二女生要喜欢某一种男人,基本上无得解,比起同学们一窝蜂倾慕「F 尸」,嘉欣一直自觉更有TaSTe。 望穿秋水,到了中四,数学科改由张Sir任教。

  嘉欣兴奋得疯了,还是她有生以来第一次嘉爱数学科,当张Sir在黑皮上破解一些她穷毕生智慧也无法克服的三角几何,她觉得他帅极了。当然,这不代表她的数学成绩有所进步。测验时,她只有能力应付multiple choice,却很花心机,试卷要求学生在a至e任何一格中画线,但嘉欣会在格上涂一个心形。然后,在姓名栏上附加一个淡淡唇印。改卷时,张Sir看到一张布满小心心的答题纸,当然心动魄,即约见嘉欣告诫一番。 之后,事情的发展是唇印被禁止印花试卷上,却可以印在阿Sir的脸上、唇上、身上、身下...

  「猛鬼」厕所就是他们交换唇印好地方。 嘉欣把日玉无瑕的身体彻底奉献,张Sir本非好色之徒,可是面对这副青春跳的胴体,粉色的嫩肌,定力开始瓦解,当嘉欣再出动甜笑时显现的一对嘴周小酒窝,他苦学多年的逻辑思维完全崩溃,「圣人都死,况且我唔系」他慨叹。然后拼尽人到中年的精力,和这个花样年华小妖女刻烈周旋。可是,张Sir固然不是圣人,实在也不是情人。 他家有任教圣经的贤妻,还有一个循规蹈矩*行必a的乖儿子,他在家睇波时肉紧起来心中暗?一句粗口都会觉得愧对妻儿。至于事业,现代的学校作风更保守,教育界是这个文明社会中出奇地封建的大宅门,自由恋爱和师生关系之间,绝对不是对等方程式,approximate equal也不能! 于是,半年后,男人尝够了新鲜滋味渐觉累,女生却不能自拔爱下去时候,张Sir要摆脱生命中的不速之客,返回建制做「好人」。





  Introduce:No less than a lot of schools are same, yi Liu of famous female academy of classical learning is passing 9 dragon pond a certain number of mysterious talk quite, ground of special travel goods, story happening is inside the most devious toilet most the one case at. With what do not differ be, this case of this female academy of classical learning female lavatory, an a case involving the killing of a person has produced really 20 years ago. In May 1984 one of these day, 4 schoolgirls Li Xinjie hides inside lavatory case alone after school in, till late at night, entire school teachers and students leaves, gyp also goes, swing campus for nothing, only the toilet comes out sad and shrill and lachrymal. Sob half evening, sound of exhaust of heart clean force neighs, she takes out one power from satchel very the knife of the paper that fasten a bound with old incomplete, is bit unripe already? , sharp edge blade is bestrewed if breach is toothed. Heart clean holds high bound knife, firm firm breaks off door of arteries and veins of hand of towards the left, immediately of fine thin skin blows up, delicacy flows to spurt, her set sb's teeth, right hand put more energy into, toothed edge is immersed in firm of the firm in muscle of door of arteries and veins to procrastinate grind! " wow! " heart clean screams, she feels subtle tic when hemal Mai tendon cuts off even, unripe? Break of bound hilt artifice? Be in a complete mess, till " Zhi " small ring, it is blade touchs actually skeletal, card is in the artifice is articulatory! In fact, heart clean already was cut feebly go down, blood is billowy in the cut of sodden dissolve dissolve and piece, resemble come down in torrents of the sound of rain like the drip-drop before brim, before cut is caky, fang Buddha was dried. ─ of suicidal reason ─ estimates according to police is school work pressure. The school way at that time is old-fashioned, school just won't disclose too much detail to the student, classmates are a lot of of course conjecture, they think if not lives bitterly extremely, so won't atrocious commit suicide, this view, compare official mouth of course? Wise and farsighted more. Be based on classmates clean of cognizance heart of one's own wishful thinking contains hate and eventually, little unavoidable change severe spirit, stranger of accident lavatory nature not close, even if at but want to use, sure also accompany is headed for. The ethos spreads, henceforth, the toilet on complete harbor schoolgirl is used to make an appointment one case. Lin Jiaxin hides in this alone lavatory case, recall the story that has heard when this enter a school carefully. She is afraid of ghost, so in never had tried to enter lavatory of this one case alone at the beginning, never had used this lavatory case, more never go up in crown 6 when be close to toilet circumference later 20 rule limits. Change character, after school, do what here also won't somebody discovers. So. . . Before half an year, 2003 winter, jia Xin begins to like to flow here even, of course somebody is accompanied, not be female classmate nevertheless, however mathematical teacher piece Sir. From which 2 begin, jia Xin is already advertent piece of Sir, he year nearly 40, do not calculate brilliant, it is the kind that she likes however. Everybody may be incomprehensible, but one therein 2 schoolgirls should like some to plant man, basically do not have so that solve, compared with classmates adore of like a swarm of bees " F cadaver " , jia Xin has T self-consciously all the time more

标签: 鬼故事
