鬼故事 女子寝室 貔貅刘渝是四川某大学大一的学生,今年才考进来。带着一份对大学校园的渴望与憧憬她走进了校门

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  作者:貔貅刘渝是四川某大学大一的学生,今年才考进来。带着一份对大学校园的渴望与憧憬她走进了校门。因为她来的很早所以她报的那个系来的人很少,一个负责接待的高年级学生给了她一把寝室钥匙,然后领着她往寝室走。刘渝跟在他后面,一路欣赏着校园里的风景。大学就是大学啊,刘渝在心里悠然升起了一中想见恨晚的感觉。从此再也没有做不完的作业,再也没有铺天盖地的卷子,终于自由了,自由万岁!刘渝在心里欢呼着,伸了个大大的懒腰。走过一座桥,刘渝看见了几栋黑乎乎的楼房连在一起,看样子有段年头了,感觉很是不舒服。怎么安排在这里啊,刘渝心里埋怨着,刚才的好心情也不知道跑哪去了。到了楼下,学长告诉她就住在这一栋的4楼403。看着刘渝嘟囔着嘴,学长又告诉她新来的大一都住差一些的房子,到了大二会好一些的,说完把行李给她就回报到处了。拿着东西到了寝室门口,门虚掩着。已经有两个新生来了,刘渝和她们打了下招呼也就算认识了。没过几天新生都陆陆续续来了,崭新的大学生活就此开始了。因为刘愉性格比较孤僻,而且不善言谈,常常是一问一答,慢慢的寝室里其他人就不怎么愿意和她说话了,而在班上就难得有什么朋友了。不过她并不认为这是什么问题,不知道是什么原因,她从来就不喜欢交朋友,书才是她唯一的朋友。一天熄灯以后,寝室里的其他人又开始聊天了。因为她不喜欢说话,所以每天熄灯以后的闲聊都没有她说话的余地,第一个睡着的当然也是她。不过今天她不怎么困,其他人说的话自然就钻到了自己的耳朵里。她们聊的是这间学生寝室的事。据说9年前这栋学生寝室里住的是大二的女生,一天晚上有人看见一个在4楼来回的走动一直到很晚。不过她们没有在意也就睡觉去了。半夜的时候突然听到一声声“咚”,“咚”的声音,不过声音不是很响,只有几个人在回忆的时候说有听见这种声音,不过因为声音不大,再加上已经很困了,就睡着了。第二天清晨,大家被一声凄厉尖叫声吵醒了。声音是从4楼的厕所发出来的,大家赶到时看见一个女生瘫倒在地上不住的哭着。顺着她的目光大家看到了更恐怖的一幕:一个穿红色上衣的女生侧卧着蜷缩在墙角,一双失神的眼睛凝望着门口,那是种慑人心魄的眼神,怨恨的目光仿佛要穿透每一个人的灵魂,直看得门口的人起了一身鸡皮疙瘩。而她的前额赫然一个血洞,乌红色的血块还粘着杂乱的头发,地上是早已凝固了的血。她是用头撞地死的!惨状让在场的人无不动容。不要说当时在场的人了,刘瑜现在光听她们讲就已经很害怕了,一个人自杀竟然可以活活撞死!她不想再听下去了可又不好插嘴让她们不要讲只好硬着头皮听下去。话说到那个死去女生在人们的议论声中被火葬场的抬走了,车已经走的很远了还能听见人群中失恋......孩子......抛弃...的议论。学校里就是什么事都会发生,大家也都见怪不怪了,所以没多久这件事情就被淡忘了。不过很快,就又发生了另外一件蹊跷的事。据当事的一个女生说,那是一天深夜,她被上铺的女生吵醒。上面的那个女生战战兢兢的对她说,她听见了“咚”,“咚”的声音,好像是什么东西撞墙的声音... ...说到撞墙这两个字的时候她几乎要哭出来了,一个月前血淋淋的一幕又重现在眼前。不过那个女生说她当时并没有听到什么声音,于是她安慰她说她一定是太紧张了并没有什么声音。当是上铺那个女生就没有说话了,不一会她也睡着了。第二天早上打扫清洁的人发现一个女生死在了4楼的厕所里,也是蜷缩着身子倒在墙角,死的正是那个女生。从那天起这栋宿舍楼就流传这一个传说,据说谁听见了那个声音谁就一定会死。临睡前同寝室那个人又加了一句,你们知道吗,那间厕所就是我们隔壁的厕所,死掉的那个女生以前就是住我们这间寝室的,她的床铺你们知道是多少吗?就是4号铺啊,和那个自杀的人死的地方只隔着一堵墙啊!听到这句话,刘瑜的心猛的抽了一下!天呐!我不就在4号铺吗!想着想着刘瑜觉得自己好像真的和一具尸体躺在一起。那一晚就在提心吊胆中度过了。因为是周末,寝室里的人提出出去玩一天,当然没有把刘瑜算在内。今晚算是清净了,刘瑜看着空荡荡的寝室,就在寝室自习吧。她希望在大学4年里学到很多知识,所以为此她牺牲里所有的时间,包括现在一学起来就忘记了所有的事情。时间过的很快,不知不觉已经深夜1点了,她也困了。就在她爬上床的时候,灯灭了。刘瑜心头一紧,这个时候停什么电啊。不过反正也要睡觉了,也就没有在意。就在刘瑜要进入梦乡的时候,她听见了“咚”,“咚”的声音,声音空荡荡的寝室里回荡,虽然声音不大但却是如此的清晰。刘瑜不知所措的躺在床上,用被子盖着瑟瑟发抖的身体。但这都无济于事,声音还在持续着,刘瑜的心脏疯狂的跳着,身上已经满是汗水了。她不知道这声音要多久才会结束。就在这时,那“咚”,“咚”的撞墙声慢慢的移动着,不多时已经从刘瑜身旁的那堵墙移到了门口!紧接着,是“咚”,“咚”的撞门声,声音越来越大,还伴随着阵阵幽怨的私语声。刘瑜不甘忍受着这种折磨,她蹑手蹑脚的下了床,这时声音停止了。刘瑜疑惑的穿上拖鞋慢慢走到了门口,还是没有听到任何动静。她趴在门上,从门上的猫眼里慢慢向外看去... ... 天啊!那是怎么样的一张脸!碎裂的淌着鲜血的牙齿歪歪扭扭的嵌在嘴里,充血的眼珠有一只已经掉了出来,而正对着刘瑜是一个黑洞洞的血窟窿!刘瑜的神经已经崩溃了,伴随着一声惨叫她倒在了地上... ...一个月后,学校在门口贴出了一个告示,那是几个女生因为恶作剧致使新生刘瑜突发心脏病不治身亡的开除处分。跟着那些女生一起离开的,还有刘瑜那一颗对大学生活向往和憧憬的心。

  Introduce:Author: Liu Yu aing mythical wild animal is Sichuan some university is big the student of one, ability take an examination ofing comes in this year. Taking a longing to university campus and looked forward to her to walk into a school gate. That department comer that so because of the early that she comes to she signs up for is very few, a high grade student that is in charge of recieving gave her key of a dormitory, getting her to go toward the dormitory next. Liu Yu follows at the back of him, admiring the scenery in campus all the way. The university is an university, liu Yu rose carefreely in the heart one in the feeling with infer late hate. Also do not have the work that does not do again from now on, also do not have the examination paper that blot out the sky and cover up the earth again, eventually free, free banzai! Liu Yu is cheering in the heart, extended greatly lazy waist. Had walked along a bridge, liu Yu saw a few black the building is together repeatedly, it seems has paragraph of long time, the feeling is uncomfortable very. How is arrangement here, grousing in Liu change heart, a moment ago good humor also does not know to run which went. Arrived downstair, learn to grow the 4 buildings that tell her to live in this one 403. Look at Liu Yu to grunting the mouth, learn to grow to tell her newcome lives greatly again a few poorer house, arrived big 2 meetings are better, say to give her to answer a check-in baggage. Taking a thing to arrive at the door the dormitory, door with the door left unlocked is worn. Already two new students came, liu Yu and they hit next accost to also calculate understanding. Did not live a new life a few days land add add came, brand-new undergraduate began at this point alive. Because Liu cheerful disposition is more dissocial, and not good at the way one speaks or what he says, often one asking and the other answering, slowly the someone else in the dormitory is willing to talk with her with respect to not very, and there is what friend inaccessibly on the class. Nevertheless she does not think this is what problem, knowing is what reason, she does not like to make friend, the book just is her only friends. After a day of light-off, the someone else in the dormitory began to chat again. Because she does not like to talk, so everyday the following prattle does not have light-off the leeway that she talks, the first those who be asleep also be her of course. Her not very is tired today nevertheless, if someone else says, nature is gotten in his ear. What they chat is the thing of this student dormitory. What live in dormitory of this student 9 years ago allegedly is big the schoolgirl of 2, somebody sees one is in what 4 buildings make a round trip to ambulate to arrive all the time a day night very late. Nevertheless they were not cared about also sleep. In the middle of the night when hear suddenly one in succession " Dong " , "Dong " sound, nevertheless sound is not very noisy, only a few people say to have when recollect hear this kind of voice, because voice is not big,do not pass, plus already very tired, was asleep. The following day early morning, everybody by sad and shrill scream is noisy woke. Sound is the toilet hair from 4 buildings comes out

标签: 鬼故事
