鬼故事 他们都死于14日,7号楼4号床 这是发生在我学校里真实的事件

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  这是发生在我学校里真实的事件。事情已经过了许久,似乎在我们那已经没有多少人会提起,但毕竟是个在当时轰动全院,最后连教委都出面干涉和封锁消息的事件,如果真要有个合理的解释,那就只能都是巧合,让人发毛的巧合,让人不可思议的巧合。我记得事情发生在去年暑假过后。9月份正式开学。原本整个学院都和平常一样度过平淡的一个学期。但是事情就这么发生了!! 9月14日深夜,7号楼某宿舍4号床的男生在外出市区会女朋友之时,被离学院门口500米的拐弯处被一外地大货车碾压头部,当场死亡!!这在当时是一个大新闻,同学和老师每每聚在一起都会讨论这个事情!但是随着时间的流逝,人们也就渐渐淡忘了~~但是,命运开始拿我们学院的人开起了玩笑!! 整整一个月后 10月14日晨,同样是7号楼某宿舍一4号床的男生在同屋清晨起床时发现死在自己的床上,很安详,很平静,经过法医的检验,他是死于心脏病,在当日凌晨在睡梦中去世!! 事情仍未结束! 整整一个月后 11月14日下午,7号楼某宿舍4号床一男生身体不适,在宿舍休息没有上课。4时许等同宿舍三人回宿舍,就发现该男生表情痛苦蜷曲在地上停止了呼吸!经过法医检验,其死于哮喘病发~~!! 一个月后~ 12月14日凌晨,同样7号楼某宿舍4号床一男生死于自己的铺位,经过法医检验,属于猝死,死因至今不明~~~ 第二天,其女友在宿舍平静地死在自己的床上,传言是自杀~~ 于是~7号楼4号床铺似乎成为的诅咒的床铺,所有的该铺位的男生嘴上虽然逞强,但是内心仍然非常的恐惧,而我也是4号床,从10月份的实践过后,每个月14日我总是避免睡在我自己的铺位上。也许仅仅是求心理的平静!!我无法用科学来解释这一切,如果说这一切都是巧合,我仅仅能勉强接受!事情发生后,学校在当地教育主管部门的帮助下封锁了所有的消息,同时还给我们学生会的人开会,让我们做好协调和解释工作,不要让恐惧在学校中传开。为此学院内请了医学教授给学生讲如何保健身体,同时还开展了什么什么月~利用歌舞升平使得同学们渐渐淡忘了这一连串的事件~~ 可是我无法忘记,因为死者中有我的好朋友,至今他的死因仅仅是猝死死因不明~我无法解释这么多巧合,作为学生会的工作人员,我同时也必须要让其他同学忘记这一系列的事情,感觉很矛盾~~寒假中,听教育主管部门的朋友说,学院领导利用寒假清校期间,专程从香港请来了风水师傅和一些不知道是干什么的人在学校里闹了一场~~~一切就归于平静了~~~开学过后,一系列的事件就再也没发生过~~ 这不是故事,是真实的发生在我大学里的事件。由于敏感性,我不能透露学院的名称,我只是想把我内心中的疑惑与对死去朋友的怀念,抒发出来~~!

  Introduce:This is to happen in the real event in my school. The thing already passed for a long time, had done not have how many person to be able to mention then in us it seems that, but it is after all at that time sensation complete courtyard, teach repeatedly finally appoint appear personally the incident of interference and block message, if want to have a logical explanation really, that can be coincidence only, let the coincidence of person be scared, let the person's strange coincidence. After I am written down so that its happening passes last summer. Term begins formally September. Originally whole institute is mixed spend a dull session euqally usually. But thing so happened! ! On September 14 late night, the schoolboy of 4 beds is in dormitory of 7 Lou Mou go out when the urban district meets a girlfriend, entrance of college be leavinged 500 meters turning is ground to approach the head by old freight car of one other place, die on the spot! ! This is in at that time is a big news, classmate and teacher often gather can discuss this issue! But as time elapse, people also forgot ~~ gradually but, the person that the destiny begins to take our college leaves had fun! ! Full after a month on October 14 morning, it is dormitory of 7 Lou Mou likewise the schoolboy of 4 one beds is on the bed that the discovery when the early morning that be the same as house gets up dies in oneself, very unruffled, very quiet, pass legal medical expert examine, he is to die at heart disease, that day before dawn dies in sleep! ! The thing still did not end! Full after a month on November 14 afternoon, dormitory of 7 Lou Mou one schoolboy of 4 beds the body is unwell, rest to did not attend class in the dormitory. 4 when make wait for chummery 3 people answer a dormitory, with respect to discovery coil of anguish of this schoolboy expression is on the ground stopped breath! Examine through legal medical expert, its send ~~ at asthmatic disease to death! ! Month of the ~12 after a month 14 days of before dawn, same dormitory of 7 Lou Mou the berth that one schoolboy of 4 beds dies at oneself, examine through legal medical expert, attribute sudden death, cause of death up to now unidentified ~~~ the following day, its cummer dies calmingly on her bed in the dormitory, hearsay is suicidal ~~ the bed of the curse that then 4 bed make ~7 date building it seems that, on the schoolboy mouth of all this berth although flaunt one's superiority, but the heart is exceedingly scared still, and I also am 4 beds, after passing from the practice October, on every berth that 14 days month I always avoid to sleep in myself. Perhaps be the calm that begs psychology merely! ! I cannot explain all these with science, if say all these is coincidence, I can be accepted constrainedly merely! After its happening, blocked below the help that the school is in charge of a branch in local education all messages, the person that still gives us student union at the same time attends a meeting, it is good to let us do coordinate and explain the job, do not want the spread in letting fear be in the school. To medicine was asked inside this institute the professor is told to the student how health care

标签: 鬼故事
