鬼故事 掉地的卫生纸 但是其中的一间房子无论何时都是上锁的,因为许多年前那间房子里发生过怪事

大千世界 108 0

  传说在一所小学里,有85间教室,和15间办公室,一共100间房子,但是其中的一间房子无论何时都是上锁的,因为许多年前那间房子里发生过怪事,尽管怪事的内容已经没人记得了.后来学校招的学生多了,打算新设一间教室,那届的校长是当地有名的无神论者,他看到一间大房子一直被闲置,心里觉得很是可惜,于是就把新教室安排在这所被封了几十年的大房间里.这件教室坐着30个学生,16个男生,14个女生,我的叔叔阿名也是那届的学生,阿名说,他们30个学生,多数住校,因为学校在大山里,只有学校隔壁村的学生才会选择走读,其实住宿费也不是很高,那时的学校住宿费的确比现在便宜不少,但是那时的宿舍条件也很差,阿名和7个男生合住在一所宿舍内,那所宿舍到了夏天,尤其是夜里,便蚊虫满天飞,而且同舍的寝友不是打牌,就是抽烟,因此阿名经常独自在教室里温习功课到天亮.有一天晚上,阿名在教室里温习,教室里的表已经指向12:00了,阿名突然觉得小腹涨痛,想是要去大解,于是就拿着随身携带的卫生纸像厕所走去,就在他刚刚走出教室的一刻,教室里的灯灭了,整个楼道黑漆漆的一片,阿名觉得很奇怪,他打算去看 个究竟,于是独自走进教室.他刚进教室门的时候,脚下一绊,那卷卫生纸也掉在了地上,阿名赶紧毛下腰摸索,终于把卫生纸捡起来了,突然,他发现窗前站着一个人,那人穿这一件白衣服,他看不到那人的表情,他下意识的揉揉眼,松开手,那人已经消失了.这时教室的灯又都亮了起来,阿名心里有些发毛,他连灯都没关,径直跑回宿舍去了,他回到宿舍,躺在床上,他的手里还握着那卷卫生纸,阿名惊讶的发现,那卷卫生纸已经松开了,像一条线一样,托了一路,线的另一头一直延伸到宿舍外,而刚刚看到的穿白衣服的人,正在一面倒着卫生纸,一面朝宿舍走来,阿名甚至透过宿舍的窗户,看到了那人的脸,更让阿名感到恐惧的是,那人的嘴里含着一根又长又红的舌头!那个人一边冷笑,一边在窗外转过脸来,他用那下垂的眼球盯着阿名,发出一阵阵阴森的笑,阿名当时完全傻了,他不知道如何是好,而窗外的那个'人'依旧一面倒着地上的纸,一面朝阿名走来,那散落在地上的纸,仿佛他的轨道一般,他往前走,他绕过窗子,阿名甚至能感觉到他就在门外,而那门也悄无生息的开了.那个人已经进入宿舍了,继续缓慢的往前走,就在这时,阿名已经意识到,手里拿的哪里是什么卫生纸,而是像布一样的东西,他同时也看到,那个'人'正将那白布一点一点缠回到自己身上.就在他快要靠近阿名床位的时候,睡在阿名上铺小章醒了,他仿佛要去厕所,他看到阿名手里的卫生纸,就夺了过来,还骂了一声,{睡觉拿什么卫生纸},径自朝厕所跑去.那个'人'冷笑着看了阿名一眼,跟着小章跑了出去.阿名打算叫住小章,可是他根本张不开嘴,过了一会,他听到小章的尖叫.第二天,人们发现小章死在了厕所里,他被一根白布掉在厕所的屋脊上!!阿名来到教室的时候,他看到他的座位上,放着一卷白色的卫生纸.第二年,那个教室又被封锁了,然而阿名早在教室封锁之前,就转到了别的学校,现在他在东北的一家化工厂工作,有一年我去他家探亲,他给我讲起这个故事,他说其实很多事都是注定的,比如你命中注定不该死,你就算遇到再大的险也死不了,你命中注定该死,你不遇险也会死,阿名拿出一张出事前的照片,那是他们宿舍8个人的合影,照片里,小章的脖子上栓着一条雪白的绸布.

  Introduce:Fokelore is in an elementary school, have 85 classrooms, with 15 offices, altogether 100 houses, but an among them house whenever be lock, because quirk has happened in that a lot of houses year ago, although the content of quirk already nobody remembered. The student that the school provokes later is much, the plan sets a classroom newly, that president is place's famous atheist, he sees a big house all the time by unused, feeling in the heart is very regrettablly, in the big room that is in protestant room arrangement this to be sealed a few years then. This classroom is sitting 30 students, 16 schoolboys, 14 schoolgirls, my uncle A name also is that student, a name says, 30 their students, most in residence, because the school is in big hill, only the student of the village just can choose attend a day school next door the school, actually accommodation cost also is not very high, the school accommodation cost in those days is cheaper than now really many, but the dormitory condition in those days is very poor also, a name and 7 schoolboys chummage are inside a dormitory, that dormitory arrived summer, especially at night, the mosquito flies all over the sky, and the bedroom friend that abandons together is not card games, smoke namely, because this A name often reviews in the classroom alone,the homework arrives day break. One day in the evening, a name reviews in the classroom, the watch in the classroom has pointed to 12:00, a name feels suddenly alvine to go up painful, wanting is to should go have a bowel movement, taking the toilet paper that carries to go like the toilet then, just walk out of a classroom in him momently, the lamp in the classroom destroyed, a of whole corridor pitch-dark, a name feels very strange, he plans to look after all, walk into a classroom alone then. When he just took classroom door, the foot falls to stumble, that bumf also is dropped was in on the ground, a name hurries the waist below wool fumbles, came to bumf pick up eventually, abrupt, he discovers to there is a person before the window, that person wears this one white dress, he views the expression that is less than that person, he is kneaded subliminally rub an eye, loose hand, that person had disappeared. At this moment the lamp of the classroom shined again, there is some of lose one's temper in A name heart, he did not involve even the lamp, run back to a dormitory directly, he returns a dormitory, lie on the bed, there still is that toilet paper in his hand, the discovery with A open-eyed name, that bumf had loosened, like a line, held in the palm all the way, another of the line outspread all the time outside going to a dormitory, and the wears white dress person that just sees, pouring toilet paper at the same time, dormitory of one side face goes, a name passes through the window of the dormitory even, saw the face of that person, more what name letting A feels scared is, there is to grow again in the mouth of that person red tongue! Then the individual sneers at the same time, come in the turn aside outside the window at the same time, he is used

标签: 鬼故事
