
大千世界 80 0

A hungry fox was looking for food in the forest. As he was starving, he heard a cicada singing.

He thought, "Although he is too small to feed me, at least I have something to eat."

Thus, the fox said, "Who is singing? I've never heard such a beautiful voice. Hey, may I ask you to come down?"

The cicada heard the fox, but he pretended that he didn't. The fox kept saying, "Oh, please. I just want to see you. I won't hurt you. Trust me."

On hearing this, the smart cicada dropped a leaf to the fox. The fox thought it was the cicada, so he jumpeed over and ate it.

After he found he was fooled, he angrily called the cicada "cheater." The cicada smiled and said, "Well, Mr. Fox, you won't be cheated if you didn't cheat me first."


标签: 英语寓言故事
