
大千世界 124 0

Lion and farmerLion has fallen in love with farmer's daughter , has made a proposal to her. The farmer cannot bear to betroth the daughter to allotment a wild beast, but fear that lion , a period of time have no way to decline , thereupon, he has a brainwave when in danger , hits upon an idea. Otherwise but he just says when lion comes to ask a farmer once again, he thinks that lion marries self daughter very suitable, lion must draw out first getting rid of a tooth , chop away a talon, can not marry the daughter to him, because of the girl is fear of these things.The lion is blinded by inordinate ambition , the color gets lost capacity for clear thinking , therequest having accepted a farmer very effortlessly. Herefrom, that farmer looks down on right awaythe lion, is fear of him not in the least. The farmer uses rod to beat him right away when the lion comes again, him is tied up.This story explained that, some people easily believed others' speech,abandons the oneself unique strong point, finally, easily original isfeared they the person to defeat.狮子与农夫狮子爱上了农夫的女儿,向她求婚。农夫不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又惧怕狮子,一时无法拒绝,于是他急中生智,心生一计。狮子再次来请求农夫时,他便说,他认为狮子娶自己的女儿很适合,但狮子必须先拔去牙齿,剁掉爪子,否则不能把女儿嫁给他,因为姑娘惧怕这些东西。狮子利令智昏,色迷心窍,很轻易地接受了农夫的要求。从此,那农夫就瞧不起狮子,毫不惧怕他。狮子再来时,农夫就用棍子打他,把他绑起来。这故事说明,有些人轻易相信别人的话,抛弃自己特有的长处,结果,轻而易举地被原来恐惧他们的人击败了。

标签: 英语寓言故事带翻译
