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大千世界 108 0

  humb girl There was a woman, shehopes to have a very small size of the child。 However, she did not know fromwhere it could be Account。

   She'll ask awitch。 She said to the witch: "I want to have a very small children! Can Youtell me what could be a local? " " Hi! This very easy! "witchsaid。

   "You put it ESS large grain of wheat instead。 It's too long nottalking That the grain of wheat, nor is it the kind of large grain of wheat toeat chicken anymore。

   You buried it in a pot plant Lane。 Soon you can see you Onthings。 " "Thank you," a woman said。 She gave witch three silvercoins。

   Then she returned to the present large grain of wheat planted。 Not Longafter a beautiful big red flower on a long out。 It looks like a black tulip,but it leaves closely kits Togetherstill seems like a calyx。

  "This is really the flower blossom," saidthe woman, while in the beautiful, yellow and red petals on the crowd with abit。

   However When she was afraid whenflowers suddenly throws an opening。 People can now see that this is true Yuflower Gold incense。

   But in the hands grow flowers in the green portion of thepistil above, the presence of a small girl, she would also Bainen and lovely。

   She also gave no halflong, so people equate she called thumb girl。Thumb cradle is a little brightlight in the beautiful walnut shell, her prayer is blue violet petals, she wasthe Son is Rose petals。

   This is her place to sleep at night。 But in the daytimeshe play on the tables -- in this table, which A woman on a tray, and let thecircle above flowers, flower branches soak in the water。

   Water Fuzhao, a greatYujin Incense petals。 Thumb girl can sit on the petals by two white Mawei foroar, from the side dishes this side is there。

   This Abuse is really beautiful! She can sing, andsang so gentle and sweet, no one had heard。 Night, when she was in bed when herbeautiful, the ugly toads from a window to the outside into As a piece of window glass has been broken。

  This extraordinarily ugly big, but Nien methods。 She has been leapfrog tables。 Thumbgirl was sleeping on the Bright Red Rose petals in the table below。

   "Thisgirl would do my son's beautiful wife miles," tasty said。 So she was agirl asleep seize thumb That walnutshell, carrying it out the window, has been leapfrog Garden go。

   Garden Lane is avery wide stream in the flow。 But its cross-strait and low and wet。 Eating andher son live on the Here。 Oh! He told his mother simply concocted with the samemold, but also look Jichou state。

   "Corner House! Corner House! Cryingsound of child ! Crying sound of child! Crying sound of child! "When hesaw the beautiful walnut shell in the small girl who, so he can only talk to。

  "speech not so loudly anymore, if you put her outside," said the oldtoads。 "She also can be seen from here we Escape, because she grows inlight of the Swan feathers! We may put her on the water, wide leaves of thewater lily above。

   She has However, such a small and light, the leaves land tobe counted, she said is an island。 She mentioned that there is no way to escapethe 。

   During this period we can to get a good place in the house to fix -- youcan where she later settled To live。" Creek Lane Changzhaoxuduo generous greenlotus leaves。

   They seem to be floating on the surface like。 That leaves floatin the next Son that is the largest inleaves。 It tours in the past to old eating the walnut shells and sleep in it onthe inside of the thumb girl Face。

   Thispoor, little small girl early morning on Wake。 When she saw where he now timeto Can not help crying with sadness, because this piece of a generous greenwater all around, she is also unable to return to the land。

  Old toads sit gotused to Dengxincao and yellow water lily decoration of a room -- a newdaughter-in enclaves, of course It should be a pretty clear point only。

  Subsequently she and her son to expose Americans Tuozhuo thumb girl leavesTour。 They should She did not come inbefore the first of her hard beautiful bed removed, placed in the weddinginside。

   Back to her old eating in the Deeply Juliaoyigong, said : "This is my son; He is your futurehusband。 Lane will get you both in the Live very happy。

   " "Corner! Pavilion! Crying sound of child! Crying sound of child!Crying sound of child! "This is entirely young, only this。

   They Banzhuo this beautiful small bed in thewater flow。 Green thumb girl sitting alone, she can not help themselves, Because she does not like to live with anoffensive contrast, do not like what a shameful son to do his own husband。

   Inthe water Li Tour had seen a number ofsmall eating, but also heard what she said。 They are sticking to think See this little girl。

   They look to see her,find her very beautiful, they are very dissatisfied and feel that this Kind of a person to be married to a shamefulcontrast Erque it may be! Such things must not let it happen! Their water Tuozhao pool together to the land of greenaround the stem son -- on the small girl who lived in the above。

   They use theirteeth to leaf stem a meal , makes thispiece leaves a walk along the water flow, flow away with her thumb, flow veryfar, no money eyed Ways to reach places。



标签: 芭比公主之拇指姑娘
