
大千世界 114 0

  The 16 year old girl and her mother said she had already 2 months did not come。。。。。。 The mother listens to hurry to go to the pharmacy to buy a home pregnancy test to confirm。

  。。。。。 The girl really pregnant! The mother cry and scold asked: "what is that you do, you give me to tell the truth!!" The girl had to phone。

  。。。。。 Half an hour later, a new Ferrari coupe raced to the girl's family, and step out of the car is a whole body famous brand clothes and graceful bearing of the middle-aged gentleman。

   A gentleman entered the house and girl and her parents sat down in the living room。 Good afternoon。 The gentleman politely to their greetings and said: "your daughter has just informed me the big problem, but because of personal family problem for me, I'm sorry I can't marry your daughter to wife, but I will take the responsibility of!" "Well, if the baby is a girl, I would leave 3 stores, 2 houses, 1 seaside villas and a $2000000 account to her。

  " "If the baby is a boy, I will let he inherited 2 companies plus the last $2000000 account。" "If the baby is twins, then each person inherits 1 companies and the $1000000 account。

  " "But if unfortunate abortion。。。。。。

  " At this point in the side silent already a long time of father, stand up suddenly, and both hands firmly on the gentleman's shoulders and said:

bull shit I am 比尔盖茨。

标签: 英文幽默故事
