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  初中英语小故事,初中英语小故事哪里有?英语小故事精选,阅读英语小故事,不仅可以提高自己的英语语感,还可以让自己对英语感兴趣。下面是从初中英语学习网站---小牛英语网/ 摘抄的英语小故事,可以看看。


  In the Jin Dynasty, there was a man named Che Yin who was fond of learning but because of his family's destitute1(赤贫的,缺乏的) conditions, his father could not afford to offer ideal conditions for studying. In order for them to have enough to survive, they could not even buy lamp oil for him to study at night, so he could only recite his poems in the daytime.

  On one summer night, when he was practicing reading an article, he suddenly saw many fireflies lighting2 up the sky. They were a spot of brightness3 in the stark4 blackness of the sky. He had a thought: If many fireflies could be contained all together, they might be able to serve as a lamp. Upon having this thought, he found a white silk bag, caught as many fireflies as he could, and hung up this bag. Although it was not as bright as a lamp, it worked well enough that he could use the light to read by. From that time on, if there were fireflies around, he would use them as a lamp to study by. Due to all his diligent5 studying, and hard training, he became a senior official later on in his life.

  The idiom "Light reflected by snow or collected from fireflies" is now used to indicate those who study hard in difficult circumstances.

  故事二:The Maid of Brakel

  A girl from Brakel once went to St. Anne's Chapel1 at the foot of the Hinnenberg, and as she wanted to have a husband, and thought there was no one else in the chapel, she sang,

  "Oh, holy Saint Anne!

  Help me soon to a man.

  Thou know'st him right well,

  By Suttmer gate does he dwell,

  His hair it is golden,

  Thou know'st him right well."

  The clerk, however, was standing2 behind the altar(祭坛,圣坛) and heard that, so he cried in a very gruff(粗哑的) voice, "Thou shalt not have him! Thou shalt not have him!" The maiden3 thought that the child Mary who stood by her mother Anne had called out that to her, and was angry, and cried, "Fiddle4 de dee, conceited5 thing, hold your tongue, and let your mother speak!"


  推荐阅读:初中英语小故事 /

标签: 生活小故事
