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Guy Buys Book on Yao Thinking It Offered Sex Advice

  Josh Groveland, a 42-year-old real estate agent from Seattle, Washington, bought the book Yao: A Life in

  Two Worlds from a local Barnes & Noble bookstore Sunday afternoon, thinking it included tips, tricks and advice on having better sex.

  Groveland, who’s been engaged to 38-year-old candle shop owner Chrissy Lowe for 6 months, started shopping for a book on sex with the intention of spicing up their love life. The couple is happily looking forward to getting married next August, but wants to do things to keep the passion in their relationship, especially in the bedroom.

  “Rob and Diane have been talking for weeks about these really racy books they’ve been reading that have evidently made them crazy for each other,” said Groveland. “Anyway, Diane told Chrissy that there’s all these Eastern books on sex and stuff that show you how to have make love in thousands of weird ways for something like 20 hours in a row. They call it Kama something-or-another. I’m not sure. All I know is that Rob has this huge shit grin on his face everyday so I decided to buy one.”

  “The last time I was at Borders, I saw another book called Ichiro that looks like it could help us out.“

  - Chrissy

  Rob says that right when he walked into the bookstore, he saw Yao: A Life in Two Worlds and just assumed it was a book about having crazy, mind-blowing sex with your legs wrapped around your partner’s head. That’s when he decided to purchase the book.

  “Rob had mentioned this thing called Tantra. Or was it Tantric? I can’t remember,” said Groveland. “Anyway, he said it helps you become one with the girl you’re banging, or some shit like that. I just figured this whole “Yao” thing was pretty much about the same thing. There was even a picture of this Asian guy on the cover. I guess I just assumed he was the founder of some erotic sexual philosophy called “Yao”.

  After buying the book and driving home, Groveland ran Chrissy a bath, cooked her dinner, gave her a massage, and then showered their bed with rose petals.

  Unfortunately for Josh and Chrissy, “dunking“ isn’t the name of a Tantric position

  When she went to change into something for comfortable, Groveland took the book

  out of the bag and surprised her with it when she returned. Lying there with candles

  lit and Kenny G playing, they opened the book and Groveland began to read.

  “We were expecting to learn how to do the “Feet Yoke” or the “Peacock”, but all we

  read about was this 7’6” Chinaman who plays basketball in the NBA for some team

  called the Rockets, as well as some quips and anecdotes by his teammates,” said

  Lowe. “It was kind of disappointing. Here’s Chrissy and I, just getting into it, you

  know, and I start reading to her explaining how this “Yao” character defends the post

  when he’s playing against some guy named Shaq. I mean, sure, his struggles of

  adjusting to life in America are fascinating, but right now, we’re struggling to have

  sex more than once a week. We kind of lost the mood, so we both just put our

  clothes back on and laid there watching “60 Minutes”.

  Groveland says later on, he sort of paged through the book before putting it on a bookshelf alongside other books he never intends to read.

  “I thought about taking the book back to Barnes & Noble, but if they asked why I was returning it, I wouldn’t know what to say,” said Groveland. “I guess I could explain to them that I thought the book would diagram how I could get Chrissy off using 10 pillows and my knee, but you know, well, that’s a little embarrassing. Plus, I have no idea where the receipt is.”

  Despite the disappointment, the couple hasn’t given up its hope of turning up the heat in the bedroom.

  “Rob mentioned Tantra. He said it helps you become one with the girl you’re banging, or some shit. I just figured this whole “Yao” thing was the same thing. There was even a picture of this Asian guy on the cover.“

  - Josh

  “The last time I was at Borders, I saw another book called Ichiro that looks like it could help us out,” said Chrissy. “I haven’t heard any of my girlfriends mention it, but just by the name alone, I’m guessing that it’s another one of those kinky Eastern sex books. It’s a little weird that the guy who evidently preaches it wears a baseball hat and a uniform, but maybe there’s a lot of role playing, I don’t know.”


    42岁的乔什·格若兰是一个不动产代理商,家住华盛顿州西雅图市。他在某个星期天的午后从当地的Barnes&Noble书店购买了《Yao:a life intwo worlds》,为的是能从书中得到一些提高性生活的技巧和建议。



    之后罗勃对他说在书店里看到了《Yao:a life in two worlds》,并认定这是一本有关于性生活的书,可以令人疯狂不知所以,所以格若兰决定购买这本书。“罗勃提到什么‘Tantra’,还是‘Trantric’?我记不清了。”格若兰说,“反正,罗勃说那会帮助你的性生活。所以我就以为姚明的书很有可能也是这类内容。封面照上的是这个亚裔小伙。我猜想他说不定就是某种名字叫‘Yao’的性哲学的创造者。”






标签: 两性生活故事
