
大千世界 104 0

  中国时尚热点新词速译 第2版 修订版





  牛牛词典:u时代 Ubiquitous Era

  牛牛词典:爱心活动 love outreach

  牛牛词典:安全生产 workplace safety

  牛牛词典:诚信记录credibility record; credit rating record

  牛牛词典:诚信缺失 lack of credibility

  牛牛词典:短信诈骗 message fraud


  牛牛词典:个人身份信息盗用identity theft

  牛牛词典:合法权益 legitimate rights and interests

  牛牛词典:和平统一 peaceful reunification

  牛牛词典:和平与非与暴力peace and non-violence

  牛牛词典:和谐共赢 harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony

  牛牛词典:红衫运动redshirts movement

  牛牛词典:欢迎餐会welcome dinner

  牛牛词典:回乡证home visit certificate

  牛牛词典:货运包机cargo charter flight services

  牛牛词典:交强险 compulsory liability insurance

  牛牛词典:截弯取直cutoff; straight channel; direct flight bypass Hong Kong

  牛牛词典:金钱外交checkbook diplomacy

  牛牛词典:金钱外交丑闻checkbook-diplomacy scandal

  牛牛词典:居港权 the right of abode in Hong Kong

  牛牛词典:科博会 the high-tech expo

  牛牛词典:零排放车辆zero emissions vehicle

  牛牛词典:绿色采购green purchasing; green procurement

  牛牛词典:绿色认证green certificate

  牛牛词典:免签证计划 visa waiver program

  牛牛词典:农村居民人均纯收入rural per capita net income

  牛牛词典:农民工返乡潮a flood of migrant workers return home

  牛牛词典:企业诚信 enterprise credit ; credit of enterprises

  牛牛词典:欠薪逃匿back pay and escape ; abscond for arrears wages

  牛牛词典:全国道德模范national ethics model

  牛牛词典:人脸识别软件face recognition

  牛牛词典:色诱sex snare


  牛牛词典:上海世博会World Expo 2010 ,Shanghai, China

  牛牛词典:上网电价 on-grid power tariff

  牛牛词典:社保基金social security fund

  牛牛词典:社会保险基金 pension fund

  牛牛词典:社会主义新农村new socialist countryside

  牛牛词典:深港澳一体化Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao integration

  牛牛词典:实际利用外资paid-in FDI

  牛牛词典:手机下乡handset sell to village;mobile phone sell to rural market

  牛牛词典:投资发展软环境software environment for investment and development.

  牛牛词典:完善城市低保制度improve the system of urban subsistence allowances

  牛牛词典:文化创新cultural innovation

  牛牛词典:文明社会指数index of a civilized society

  牛牛词典:文明指数civilization index

  牛牛词典:问责制度accountability system

  牛牛词典:物权法property law

  牛牛词典:物业费property management fee; property cost

  牛牛词典:先进制造业advanced manufacturing industries

  牛牛词典:现代物流 contemporary logistics

  牛牛词典:现代政治文明modern political civilization

  牛牛词典:限时办结制度settlement within timeframe

  牛牛词典:新闻发布会press briefing;news release conference

  牛牛词典:信息超市 information supermarket

  牛牛词典:信仰危机crises of faith

  牛牛词典:行业转型industry transformation

  牛牛词典:行政问责制度executive accountability system

  牛牛词典:性贿赂sexual bribery;sexual coercion

  牛牛词典:一窗式受理one-window handling

  牛牛词典:一条龙服务integrated service; chain-like service

  牛牛词典:一站式办结one-stop solution

  牛牛词典:一站式服务one-stop service

  牛牛词典:阅兵第一方队first phalanx of parade

  牛牛词典:政府绿色采购green procurement by the government

  牛牛词典:政治文明political civilization

  牛牛词典:中国南方劳动力短缺labor shortage in southern China

  牛牛词典:中华文明Chinese civilization

  牛牛词典:追债公司claims company

  牛牛词典:自主创新 being self-reliant and creative


标签: 热点新闻
